How can we support you if we do not know what you need?


    Teachers we are looking at you for our help to incorporate equity-focused classrooms. “The corrective work of equity-focused teaching involves deliberately cultivating a learning environment where students:
  • Have equal access to learning
  • Feel valued and supported in their learning
  • Experience parity in achieving positive course outcomes
  • Share responsibility for the equitable engagement and treatment of all in the learning community” (Michigan, 2021)
This shift will help our children and your students achieve their educational goals and be ready for the world. We have a responsibility to cultivate learners who feel heard and supported. 

    The value of students feeling supported in their classrooms is tremendous in their learning journey. “Students learn more and behave better when they receive high levels of understanding, caring, and genuineness, than when they are given low levels of them. It pays to treat students as sensitive and aware human beings” (The Inspired Classroom, 2022). We know that if a teacher is not mentally there or has a bad day, this affects the children in that classroom. We should all be there to support our teachers and encourage them to create meaningful relationships with their students and their families.

    The needs are where we need your help teachers. What do you need? How can we all support you in your journey to an equity-focused classroom? Is it physical recourses, continued educational training, or volunteers? We are asking because we want to help and make a change for our children, your students, and the future of our world.

    We know that a well-supported teacher teaches better, we know that children need to be understood and heard in their learning journey, but how do we get you what you need to incorporate into your classrooms? I encourage you to take a minute and comment below and tell me what we can do to better support you in educating our children. If we can see what needs to be done it will make taking action so much easier.


Michigan, C. f. (2021). Equity-focused Teaching. From Our shift toward Equity-focused Teaching:

The Inspired Classroom. (2022). From How to Make your Students Feel Valued as Individuals:



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