Accomodations Starting Small


Accommodation and modifications can be a little overwhelming at first, but they are worth doing for our learners. Accommodations do not change what the learner is learning, it just removes the barriers that help the child have equal access to the lesson (Lee, 2019). I found a list of commonly used accommodations for classroom use that can be helpful for any teacher or parent, you can find it here (Morin, 2022). 

The value of a well-run classroom with everyone learning how they learn best is the best way to describe synergy. Synergy is valuing the differences in others and coming together to share a view (Covey, 2004). In a classroom we should all be working towards the goals we set for ourselves as well as the standards in education. It should not matter how we get there, just that we enjoyed the process. 

We need to encourage all of our teachers and parents to advocate for equity education, because a child that learns that their needs are valid and respected, grow up to be adults who understand that feeling and demand it. They will then continue the cycle of equity in education and in the world. 

I am calling upon all educators, creators of curriculum, and parents to ensure all learners are being respected in the learning process by having access to accommodations in order for equity in education. Parents, look into what your child needs. Teachers, look into what your students need. Writers, look at what the teachers need. Together we can change the way our students are educated in a meaningful way. 


Covey, S. R. (2004). 7 habits of highly effective people, 7th ed. Free Press.

Lee, A. M. (2019, April 26). Great Schools! From Accommodations: What they are and how they work:

Morin, A. (2022). Understood. From Common accommodations and modifications in school:




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