Equity In and Out


To ensure equitable learning in our classrooms, every classroom must do it. If there are schools or classrooms that do not participate, then we are still creating a culture of highly effective education and subpar education. Having those opposing views can cause an unfair advantage to other students (Bruce, 2022). Equitable education is within our reach if we just get everyone on board with the benefits of allowing students to be understood in their educational goals. 

The value of educational equity is that it gives our children the ability to tailor their way of learning in a way that fits them. Its challengers believe that it should not only be done within the classroom but in society as a whole (Bradley Scott, 2020). I think we can all agree that these ideas are correct, but I think that while we change the educational system with small changes, it will allow the world time to catch up and to see the value in being an individual and being treated as such in their education. 

The needs are for everyone to see that education equity is to put the student first and to allow them to have some say in their education and how they complete their goals. With this need met, we may in fact change the way society looks at our differences and embraces them. We teach children who become adults and teach others. It has to start somewhere. 

I am calling for everyone to see the value and need to see everyone as capable individuals that need to have an impact on their educational goals in order to create healthy empowered adults. We need to support the change now in order for it to change the world later. Why don’t you join the movement for equity in education in order to change the future for everyone? 


Bradley Scott, M. a. (2020, September). IDRA Newsletter. From Equity, Challenges Continue: https://www.idra.org/resource-center/equity-challenges-continue/ 

Bruce. (2022). Modern Learners. From The Unpleasant Truth About Equity: https://modernlearners.com/the-unpleasant-truth-about-equity-%E2%80%8E/




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