The Invisible Problem

“Wherever poverty is concentrated in America, it usually turns out that schools and the students they serve typically don’t do very well” (Noguera, 2021). It is difficult to teach a child that has walked into the classroom with challenges on their minds or hungry tummies, that is why need to start looking at the whole child and not just their educational achievements (Noguera, 2021). If we do not start to look at the invisible issues within the student and education, we will never truly get to a solution (Peter W. Cookson, 2020). The purpose of this passion project is to get some awareness out that we have to look at the child as a whole and not as grades on a paper, we need to be advocates. 


Noguera, P. (2021). USC. Retrieved from Educational Equity is Good for All Kids— So We Must Do Everything We Can to Advance It:

Peter W. Cookson, J. (2020, October 06). Learning Policy Institute. Retrieved from A World of Hardship: Deep Poverty and the Struggle for Educational Equity:



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