Accomodations to our Classrooms


    Every child is different, and we live in a world that celebrates diversity and being who we are with pride. What if that is holding your educational goals back? If a child has different needs in order to learn and those needs are not being met, they could fall behind. One way we can do this is to offer differentiated instruction within the classroom. Differentiated instruction is where a lesson is tailored to the students learning needs (Tomlinson, 2022). This all comes back to the teacher’s ability and the funding provided by the districts to help facilitate these goals. 

The value of differentiated instruction is critical to our children. We all learn differently so why would we be taught the same way? The value can be seen when the whole class gets concepts and enjoys the love of learning. Differentiated instruction is based on four 4 factors: content, process, product, and affect/learning environment (Tomlinson, 2022). These are lessons taught using visual aids, audio, and giving the children room to wiggle and a quiet space to work in. They are not things that are out of range for every classroom, but we need to address the value of the options.

The teachers are the ones funding our classrooms and our children’s education. In America this year the average teacher spends $750 on school supplies, this is up 25% from previous years. (Adopt a Classroom, 2021). We need to support our children by supporting those who support them, the teachers. All these accommodations take time and sometimes money if they want specific items to help students. As parents, we can always donate, but we are paying taxes for education, and we are all feeling the stretch in our wallets these days.

I am calling to action for everyone to support differentiated instruction with accommodations, by reaching out to your local schools and asking what can be done to support staff. We can all agree that an education is important for the individual, and for their future. Let’s come together to ask our teachers and our districts what can be done to enrich our classrooms with materials so every child can meet their educational goals in which to succeed. Are you willing to help take a stand and watch our children flourish?


Adopt a Classroom. (2021). From 2021 Teacher Spending Survey:,or%20more%20on%20school%20supplies.

Merlin One. (2022). From The 12 Brand Archetypes: What They Are & How You Can Use Them:

Tomlinson, C. A. (2022). Reading Rockets. From What Is Differentiated Instruction?:




  1. Thank you for speaking up and bringing awareness to this very important issue. I follow another blog with a similar passion. Perhaps you can connect with the blog's author and really advance this issue. Here's the link to the other blog


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